Franklin County
Township Association

About the FCTA
The Franklin County Township Association (FCTA) is a county-wide organization dedicated to promoting and preserving township government, through educational forums and lobbying efforts. The association was founded on October 9, 1952. The FCTA has more than 70 active members, made up of trustees and fiscal officers from Franklin County's seventeen (17) townships, and more than 125 associate members comprised of township administrators, staff, and interested parties. One of FCTA's primary goals is to secure, from the Ohio General Assembly and county officeholders, legislation which will enable our townships to function more efficiently and to resist any effort that deprives townships of any rights, duties, or privileges which they now possess. The association accomplishes this by hosting regular meet-and-greet events with state and local legislators and policy makers. Training is very important to our membership due to the technical nature of the duties of a trustee and fiscal officer. By providing several training sessions and events throughout the year, and in conjunction with the Ohio Township Association Winter Conference, we aim to teach our members about the many laws that govern townships, how to become better government officials, and encourage them to network with other members to learn better ways to accomplish township tasks. Finally, FCTA is developing our new website and establishing a social media strategy to provide our members with the latest in legislation, grants, training, and programs to help them best succeed for their township.
Joe Martin
Boards & Commissions on Which We Seat
SWACO (Ron Grossman – Norwich Township)
Franklin County Homeland Security (Chet Chaney - Perry Township)
State of Ohio Homeland Security (Chet Chaney - Perry Township)
Franklin County Planning Commission (Nancy White - Mifflin Township & Chet Chaney - Perry Township)
PWIC (Nancy White - Mifflin Township)