Franklin County
Township Association

March 20, 2024
FCTA/DAC Meeting
This was a joint meeting between the Franklin County Township Association and the Franklin County Public Health District Advisory Council, featuring guest speakers Rachelle Pride, Director of Franklin County Economic Development & Planning, and Kyle Brooks, Direct of Governmental Affairs, from the Ohio Township Association.
January 18, 2024
Annual Dinner
This annual meeting with FCTA members and state-elected officials featured multiple guest speakers: Heidi Fought with OTA and Winter Conference updates; Alexis Davis discussing the Capital budget; Scott DeHart on the impact of Issue 2 on local government; and Kevin Boyce talking about the State of the Union for Franklin County.

March 23, 2023
FCTA/DAC Meeting
There were brief discussions pertaining to January's meeting minutes and the treasurer's report. The DAC presentations featured guest Speakers Toni Turowski, speaking on ODOT projects, and James Schimmer, Johnathan Lee, and Taylor Brodersen providing information on zoning and permits. You can find the agenda here.
September 15, 2022 Legislative Meeting
Per the agenda, this meeting was about new business pertaining to an FCTA scholarship, as discussed by Chet Chaney, FCTA President, and various legislative updates. Special guest speakers included Kenneth Wilson (Franklin County Administrator), Joe Garrity (MORPC), Heidi Fought (OTA), and Rebecca Princehorn (Bricker & Eckler).

April 28, 2022 Annual Meeting
According to the agenda, this meeting briefly covered the minutes from November 18th's meeting and primarily focused on annexation and protecting the township. Peter N. Griggs of Brosius, Johnson & Briggs, LLC was the guest speaker for the latter. You can find the agenda here.
September 9, 2021 FCTA Meeting
Per the agenda, presentations were given on tax incentives, the ARPA, and revised health laws, as well as a presentation by the Franklin County Engineer.
Click the links for more information on:
How Community Health Workers can assist residents in your community

April 8, 2021 Broadband Meeting
Presentations were given on the subject of broadband. Lindsay Miller, ICE Miller Broadband & Telecommunications Attorney & Partner, gave an overview of broadband and what it is, and Christopher Wyche, AT&T Director of External Affairs, spoke on broadband options for low-income families and seniors. The agenda can be viewed here.
January 21, 2021 Annual Meeting
Among other points on the agenda, presentations were given by: Laura Monick and Anne Petit on local deathcare and disinterment information; and Bethany Sanders, from the Franklin County Auditor's Office, on inside millage. volunteer and homeowner BOR pro bono assistance, and inside millage for each taxing district in 2020.

October 15, 2020 Zoning Meeting
A county and township zoning overview that features speakers from Johnson & Griggs, LLC, Franklin County Economic Development & Planning, and Smith & Hale, LLC, as well as an example of a zoning variance application. View the Zoom meeting and/or the PowerPoint presentation.